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What is Sesc?

We are a family owned and operated business.

Creating opportunities for people to develop their full potential, through access to culture, education, health, sport, leisure and assistance, is what Sesc does daily, throughout the country, for more than 7 decades. There are more than 580 units dedicated to offering services and actions that improve the quality of life of Brazilians, especially workers in the trade in goods, services and tourism.

Sesc, Social Service of Commerce, arose from the commitment of entrepreneurs in this sector to collaborate with the social scene, through actions that would provide better living conditions for their employees and family members and the development of the communities where they live.

Its national presence makes it possible to always be in tune with the public, meeting the demands according to the characteristics of each location. In addition to the units located in the main cities of Brazil and in municipalities in the interior, Sesc extends its action through mobile units.

In all of our actions, the formation of fuller citizens and participants in the life of the country is what inspires the almost 36 thousand employees of Sesc. The diversity of Brazilians and the immensity of the country is reflected in their performance.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.


We are a family owned and operated business.

About Sesc. Portal Sesc, 2020. Available at: Accessed on: 11/16/2020.

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